Hi, I'm the Anonymous Frog, and on behalf of the Kitty Krew, not only have I released a collab
and a Halloween special,
but I'm also hosting another collab, in time for Robot Day. We present to you...
The literal definition of #SWEEP is coming to Newgrounds in 3 weeks!. Create a movie about robots and vacuums, like in the title.
This collab mainly uses Flash, like the old days, so keep this in mind:
- Use Macromedia Flash 8 or older. I want this to work in Ruffle.
- Resolution: 550x400
- Framerate: 24fps
- Submit the FLA file and name the file something like (Your Name)-RobotKK.fla for better organisation.
- Don't have Flash? Get it here: http://animatearchive.neocities.org/
1- Must be relevant to robots, vacuums, or robot vacuums.
Be as creative as you can and it's OK to ask us for help.
2- No unlicensed commercial music, such as songs from the radio, movies, TV shows, etc.
Use the Audio Portal if you have to.
3- Don't spend too long working on a part.
Keep it short if you have to, but at the same time put some effort into it.
4- You are allowed to make multiple submissions
But 3 should be more than enough. If you want more, let me know.
Deadline: November 24th 11:59 PM EST
How to Submit
Send the FLA directly to me via PM. You can send your parts through any of these means
- The Newgrounds File Dump, (recommended)
- Google Drive, (if you don't have Supporter or weren't grandfathered)
- The Team Tools section (if you've accepted the invite)
- Either PM me on Discord or post it on the KK server (if it's under 8MB).
You might want to refrain from submitting your parts until after the collab is released.
If you wish to join and want to submit a part, join the Kitty Krew Discord and let me know.
Dude, tom has said that he's not allowing KK stuff anymore
Anonymous-Frog (Updated )
321 did some heavy damage to an already damaged reputation and I want to turn that around.