Speak now or forever hold your peace.

Who gives a muffin?

Shits in all 4 Portals

Joined on 8/20/20

Exp Points:
14,567 / 15,200
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Vote Power:
7.80 votes
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B/P Bonus:
3y 9m 10d

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Latest News


Previous month: https://anonymous-frog.newgrounds.com/news/post/1473498

I think I should keep posting these every month.









Other Stuff:

Mostly audio related. I've got nothing animation, or art-wise.

Beep Block Bunch (Collab)

I'm hosting another audio collab. This time, it's to make set to the beeping rhythm used in the Beep Block levels from the Super Mario series.

Previously, I've hosted the "A Sine of Relief" collab, where the theme is to sine waves as the majority of your instruments. That turned out well, so why not host another.

See NGAP Collab Center Discord for more details and to join in.

Submissions due December 1st.

Dipthong 3

Previous post: https://anonymous-frog.newgrounds.com/news/post/1464544

I originally said I'd release Dipthong 3 on September 18th. this is entirely my fault. It's been delayed to this month (and hopefully not again)

As of writing, it's nearly complete. The cover art's done (all 3 'discs'), all 30 songs are laid out and composed. Two tracks (OverParty and Parasocial) need vocals, which I plan to add with Speakonia (weird experiment), and some mixing fixing, but that's about it. Hopefully it'll all be done by Halloween.




Takeover Tuesday

I'll end this post with my thoughts on Takeover Tuesday.

First: Thank you @RedMongoose for featuring the track "Damp Thicks", currently only the 2nd worst track with the word "thick" thanks to YouTuber KSI.

Second: I haven't noticed that much of a difference in view count. I checked Damp Thicks for reference.

There's a recent breach at the Internet Archive, this means no Wayback Machine, and NG also doesn't have view analytics, unlike YouTube or Bandcamp. With these factors out of the question, I can't gauge how well it did during the event. But given it only has 156 listens as of today, I doubt it gained that much.

If your work is featured this way, don't expect hundreds or thousands of views, unlike a regular frontpage. When 843 people put up a submission for a whole day, the whole thing thins out. If 8,430 people join in this Tuesday and they all view one submission, each one will only get 10 views if they were all evenly spread out.

Third: If you are looking for submissions post-Takeover, searching the archive trying to find DT (or any other specific thing) is like trying to find a needle in a haystack, and it didn't show up until after I scrolled past 100+ submissions.

When searching purely for audio, it's easier to search, but most people will just use the default page.

Fourth: I've seen plenty of people try to self-promote their own stuff, even if they didn't really need it. some people really don't need it. You can say you want "maximise freedom", but it's best if you just disallowed it outright. It's annoying, it ruins the experience.

Fifth: Surprisingly, there weren't that many A-rated submissions, only 27 in total. Out of 800+. I expected more, but this is a good step.

Final thoughts: I think the event is good, but too chaotic and oversaturated to be worth it, the returns are too minimal to be meaningful to anyone who gets featured this way. By replacing the normal front page, it becomes a massive interruption. It tries to bring a form of scouting to the entire site, but it just feels like feature creep.

For featurers, it can be fun, and maybe that's all that matters, but for recipients, self-promo or otherwise, at the current moment, you won't get much out of having your submission featured.

It's still a neat way to get people to pay money to Newgrounds, but it's mostly just a novelty.

I think if NG introduced a second tier of Supporter (ie. make it for $8 per month vs the usual $3), it would be an incredible perk. It will reduce the amount of active participants (which should mean more views per submission featured), but in return, people can be more incentivised to pay extra money to NG, both of which a win in my book.


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19,050 Points

Launch Day 5 Points

Start Your Homebrew Journey

The Very Definition of Insanity 50 Points

Achieve 1000 Farts in the Retro game in either mode

STOP THE COUNT!! 10 Points

Get Impeached!

Thats Never Happened to Me Before 5 Points

Shart first before you do anything else

1988 5 Points

Play the retro game

Your High-Score is Driving Me Insane 5 Points

Clear "Safe Space" with at least a Mission Accomplished ranking.

Biden 5 Points

Quit a song once started

Novice 5 Points

Clear Wave 1

Where's Episode 2? 50 Points

Doom: Complete the first episode of Doom.

Kwing 50 Points

Win as Kwing