S1: June 30th 2021: Interview with Ninjamuffin99's 100,000th Follower
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Exclusive Interview: Ninjamuffin99's 100,000th Follower
In case you don't know (which you probably do) Ninjamuffin is the fourth horseman behind the insanely popular Friday Night Funkin', alongside Evilsker, KawaiSprite, and PhantomArcade. All four of them are the most followed users on the entire platorm and their game is the most played of all time, behind porn. Yesterday, Ninjamuffin reached 100,000th followers and we at Tankman Triweekly are excited to be able to get hold of the 100,000th follower.
Ninjamuffin's 100,000th Follower
Interviewed by @Anonymous-Frog
Q: How did you first hear about Ninjamuffin or his work?
A: I first heard about him through Friday Night Funkin' like literally everyone else who joined this year. You might have also heard of him from his other 2020 submission Ritz, which got its own emote collection recently, or if you want to really go back, Whites Only. Really says a lot about the guy.
Q: Like he's a racist?
A: No, like how you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, except it's a game, and you're not supposed to judge it by its title.
Q: OK. Tell me more about yourself. What are some of your most favourite things on Newgrounds
A: I've been lurking around this place since January, brought on by the hype that FNF was bringing in. I didn't have an account back then, but I still ended up playing classics such as Dead Estate, Neon Rhythm, and Castle Crashing the Beard HD. Not all the stuff here was good. One game in particular was a very basic looking defense game called 'Epsteins Island Invasion'. What's next, Plants vs McAfee? I don't know how that guy managed to get over a thousand followers, he made bloody hundreds of that crap. You can't blam him, he'll just get another one past Judgement. Some of them even went into the 'Best New Games and Movies' section. I think there should be an award for how CRAP his work is.
Q: That already exists, it's called the Turd of the Week. It hasn't been used in years.
Sorry, gone off topic. How exactly did you become Ninjamuffin's 100,000th follower? Were you lucky, Or was there something you did?
A: I kept refreshing the guy's page until he was at 99,999 followers, and at that point I then followed him. I swear I was looking at that page for funkin' weeks on end, rising from 90,000 to 95,000, to 98,000 to 99,000 and so on. By the time he was at 99,998 followers, barely anyone was following him. I had to wait for the perfect moment to just snipe it at the last minute. As soon as the 99,999th follower followed, I had to be up against several other users who also wanted to be the 100,000th follower
Q: Very interesting. How can you prove that you were the 100,000th follower?
A: Since Ninjamuffin is insanely popular here on Newgrounds, there's going to be a lot of people following and unfollowing. As soon as the 100,000 milestone was achieved, lots of people were going to unfollow and refollow just to claim that spot. What I did was screencapture proof of being the 100,000th follower. Scratch that, I saved the page to the Wayback Machine. Now no one else can claim to be the 100,000th follower.
Q: That's all for this interview. Do you have one last thing to say?
A: Yes, stay online at all times and keep an eye out for any and all opportunities. Wait for artists to post their 4th art submission so you can scout them, Check Under Judgement for any game with leaderboards or medals. Just leaving a 5 star review saying 'FIRST!' is enough.
Thank you for your time.
Tankman Triweekly is owned by @Beggenrun
Good interview. Five stars.
I did a little more digging after the interview. Who'd know the 100,000th follower is also a clock?