Unsolved Mystery Number 1:
How did these two users, @Chdonga and @ihatesonic, who joined after 2008, get co-authored on these old submissions, dating back to 2000? When were they coauthored? And why?
Unsolved Mystery Number 2:
How does one get P-Bot to put you in the 'Popular Artist' section these days? I've heard somewhere that you have to make 3 submissions without them getting blammed, but that didn't happen for me.
Mystery #1 has a really boring answer. One of my mates found out how to recover ancient accounts and he credited me and our friends onto creations that were made before our accounts were created as a joke, and I just never bothered to un-credit myself. I think I might've been temporarily banned from the audio portal because of his shenanigans even, but don't quote me on that.