Back again with a new update on my projects. Also, this also doubles as a celebration for 60 fans, thank you for that!
Frog Flood
Almost all episodes of Frog Flood are complete, except episodes 23 and 25. Also, from this point forward, most episodes will follow a single storyline. It may be a bit broken due to some of the other episodes not appearing to following one, but it's a storyline nonetheless.
After Flash Flood 2021, I will compile them all into a single standalone movie, with extra scenes in between.
Game Projects
I've been experimenting with other game development platforms. I only find Construct 2 useful for short spam games like the stuff @ZabuJard or @8BitAnt makes.
I've tried to use Stencyl to develop an Anonymous Frog point and click adventure game, but I couldn't find a good way to export it to HTML5. I can export it as a Flash game, but it's not supported by Ruffle at the moment.
I tried to install HaxeFlixel, but I couldn't get that right.
I did use Flash to create Grubhub Assassin, a short menu based game for the Flash Forward Jam that got over 1,000 views. Unless I sharpen up old ActionScript skills, I won't be using that for any big games any time soon.
I've settled with Godot for game development. As soon as I figure that out,
All other projects have been temporarily put on hold.
keep up the good work and make some sick games man.