Hi. Quick update on all the upcoming projects I haven't been working on right now.
Production Tools: OpenShot to Flash
I've switched video production from Paint+OpenShot (my original tools) to the outdated and unsupported Flash 8. It's easier for me to work with and it allows me to do a lot more, even if less people will be able to access it.
There will be video versions, but they're only in 720p. Flash can scale to infinity, so watch those for the best quality.
Can't? Follow this solution to unlock the deactivated EOL Flash plugin that the Newgrounds Player relies on
If you like this change, please let me know.
Season 1 Remake
Not really a priority for me, so that's put on hold. If I do come back to it, it'll be a Flash movie.
Anonymous Frog Game
Development hasn't picked up much on this. I'm thinking of switching to HaxeFlixel, the software used to make Friday Night Funkin', but my antivirus and Windows Defender both block me from installing it. If anyone has a solution, please let me know.
Frog Flood
A series of daily uploads, ranging from 5 to 30 seconds, covering the span of an entire month. Content will vary, though it's mostly Clock movies, collab entries, and crap I've rushed together in a few hours.
None of it will end up in Anonymous Frog canon.
Anonymous Frog: Frog Institute
Production will pick up as soon as I've finished with the Frog Flood.
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