I'm pretty sure Bandicam didn't exist in 1988.
I'm pretty sure Bandicam didn't exist in 1988.
You didn't read the description
While it was sort of impressive that you managed a 20 minute animation (which itself was cut from 50 minutes), despite the low effort, this one at under 2 minutes isn't as good animation-wise.
The only thing animating are the characters' faces, they're all using the same pose. This is extremely quick and easy to do. Try making the characters' arms move, like they would in real life, you know. A little bit subtle, but still gives off some movement. Not stiff as a bone.
Also a miscellaneous suggestion: Try instead shortening the name of the show to 'Enchanted Ones'. That way you don't need to acronym it.
thanks!! and thanks for the name suggestion, some people are already calling it "The Enchanted Ones". This is a ep from what i call "demos from the first season", it was done back in 2019 along with the looong full lenght ep, so it's stiff in the same style. This one was a test of how fast i could put out animation in this style and reusing things like backgrounds and sprites. Once again, thank you, and i would like to see what you think of the other ep "The Largest Port in Latin America" it's different from this one and the long one (just 53 seconds long). Also would like to see what you think of the dub and the writing, i had the opportunity to show this state company ep to an independent journalist he liked the writing and talked about everything else too, the animation, the dub.
> Links copy pasted from YouTube. That explains why it says "Are you sure you want to leave YouTube?". Always check your URLs.
> The Twitter links only link to the accounts themselves rather than the original posts.
Dub link:
Comic link:
> The music was from Zelda and was in the dub itself. Not really the wisest legal move.
> I suspect that the comic was traced in the making of this animation. Easiest way to recreate someone else's style, which other animators such as Antoons use specifically for that purpose.
I'd like to clear some things up:
1. I did copy and paste the links from YouTube, since I had uploaded the video there first, but I didn't know they said "Are you sure you want to leave YouTube?". If I had known then, I would have fixed the issue if it was a security concern.
2. I hadn't linked to the original posts since, at the time, I felt it wasn't necessary, but in retrospect, I do feel linking to the specific posts would have been a better way to credit the voice actor and artist.
3. I knew the dub used Zelda music, but I couldn't really do anything about removing it when making the animation and therefore didn't prioritize the legal issue. In retrospect, I should have considered the possibility that there would be a legal issue and put more effort into removing or at least quieting down the background music.
4. I will admit that I did trace over the comic, and I do feel ashamed that I resorted to such a move. I had just wanted to replicate the style as best as I could, and for the longest time, I didn't have a lot of confidence in my digital drawing skills, but I shouldn't have let that be an excuse. I wasn't trying to be shady with my methods of animating and uploading, and I meant no ill intent with any of the decisions I made when making this video. Since I made this video, I've put in the effort to stop tracing and be more confident in my digital drawing skills. I regret the mistakes I made here, but I don't want to be lumped together with other artists that continue to trace artwork.
Anyways, thanks for the constructive criticism, and I'll work on these problems in my future videos.
It's got great atmosphere and I'm pretty hyped. It's a lot more original than the other Pico Day submissions this year (if ripping off Voltron is better than ripping off Pico's School that is), and I hope this gets done sometime.
Clean up your frames. It's especially noticeable on the ranger's cloak in the snow scene, but personally, I'd rather sacrifice one or two frames just to have time to clean up the rest.
1. Where's the source of the audio you used?
2. What software do you use?
3. Do you even use onion skins?
Graphics: 7
Style: 10
Sound: 8
Violence: 4
Interactivity: 0
Humor: 6
Overall Rating: 8
Bitch why are you rating movies on Interactivity?
- Back when this was posted, not counting deleted users, only eight people were officially coauthored, those being BlueHippo, AlmightyHans, Ansel, Eidderf, Gerkinman, Sinitron, UnderARock and Wonchop, due to coauthor limitations of the time. Tom added the rest after I sent 2 different thumbnails on the Thumbnail Crew thread and I noticed he wasn't coauthored.
- The farthest left top tooth (left from UnderARock's) doesn't lead to anything.
- Some users have renamed or are deleted
Anigen -> jakeganz
HLG -> dullsworth
Techno -> Zachary
Nicholas-Deary -> M4KBOT
Squeef or "Sire Postenlot of Botherwood Shire -> 50vmp
??? -> chickenofazure
Drattigan: deleted
Sekhem: deleted
TrippingMetal -> AustinBreed, then deleted.
DarkShadow8181: Moved to a now deleted account named Fungasm. The old account still remains as of Sep 16 2023.
This is NOT a hate comment.
It's a pretty decent test, but there are a few flaws.
1. The merry-go round in the far background (the faint one) appears bigger than another one that passes by the two characters. It fills up roughly the same screen real estate. Same goes with the ticket man on the right. This makes them look massive compared to the rest of the scenery
2. No audio. Not really needed since it's a test, but since you are publishing it, I guess it isn't that hard to slap a royalty-free carnival jingle on top. Otherwise, it's possible to post on the Art Portal as a GIF without compromise.
Not bad. I understand it's just a test, but please do keep in mind there's a clear distinction between pointing out a submission's flaws and/or suggestions for improvement (no one is perfect and sometimes they can be shit), and something that can actually be defined as a hate comment. Especially if you have an audience that isn't really informed about the situation.
Read the Review Guidelines if you have to.
Graphics: 7
Style: 9
Sound: 0
Violence: 0
Interactivity: 0
Humor: 3
Overall Rating: 6
I know there are some errors in it. This was made in my early years of digital animation, this was my first attempt of panning.
It's a good Piconjo Day submission, but keep in mind that j00 used teh gh3y imp0stor made by MindChamber (aka Buttchamber).
Re: Why would Piconjo ever cosplay something so gh3y and faek liek that impostor? Is Canada r33ly that gh3y?
You have five more days. You have the time to make something slightly better than this.
It just experiment. I make it only in one day, so of course I don't think this animation is worth anything at all. And there was also a problem with time, I had the idea of Broccoli Fingers brother Salad fingers. But I just can't do it in a short amount of time. So I decided not to do anything complicated on this Pico day, but next year I will start do the animation in advance of the announcement.
Speak now or forever hold your peace.
Who gives a muffin?
Shits in all 4 Portals
Joined on 8/20/20