== A number two is a number two. ==
Score: 7 | SS Review #002
The second of the Dailytoons. Onto the review
There's 4 parts this time, with more slightly better visuals and only one "true" stinker.
A red balloon in an otherwise black and white environment. Where have I heard that one before? Aside from said balloon, it does look a bit unfinished. That's what happens when you try to do one toon a day. Also apparently NADER IS THE ONE!!
Three gangsta black d00ds in a loop and set to rap music while "White T" texts scroll around. They animate, but y'all look very janky.
There's a repeating "gunshot" sound that makes it really annoying to watch. It looks like there's a girl that gets drunk at a party, or that's what the incredibly thick doodles appear to represent.
The "NADER IS THE ONE!!", except the picture of Nader flips constantly.
Visuals: 7/10 | Entertainment: 4/10 | Sound: 7/10 | Best Toon: Zerostar (again).