For its time, this would've been very useful information for newer users. But nowadays, Newgrounds was redesigned yet again and some of this information is outdated,
One outdated piece of information is the 'how to see your score before your flash comes out of judgement' easter egg, which only works late at night.
There's a new trick. Tag your submission with something mildly popular (ie. is used by enough 'flashes' to provide a diverse range of scores, yet is obscure enough to not have to scroll so much, so in this case, let's pick 'clowns', which should have around 50 flashes ranging from 1 star to 4.5 stars). Click the tag, then sort by score. Flashes under judgement can be shown in this list sandwiched in between flashes that already passed and have known scores, allowing you to get a rough estimate of how high your score is.
The 'How Popular Are You on NG' part in the Extras section is also pretty cool, although very inaccurate as you will see below. I substituted the batting average with my own estimate since that's no longer a thing.
I used this feature in order to grade various users based on their data (I will list some answers I put in I was uncertain of, but all of this were based on data I collected on March 12th 2022):
Myself: (no awards, 1-5 music flashes (my own), silver whistle, 3.0-3.5 batting average, popular author) B. (average)
I gave myself 'none' on the view count, even though view counts overall had dipped over the years.
When I set the views to '25,000', (which is a stretch since the most views I ever got at the time
was 3,000 views with Grubhub Assassin, while FP'd submissions nowadays get ~3-4K views on the low end), I got A-, (above average)
UPDATE: Nov 12 2022: Redid as Lvl 29, with Gold Whistle and 3.5-4.0 batting average (which I can safely assume I have since I have ~7 movie + game submissions with over 3.5 stars.
I got A- with both "no views" and "25k views"
@Much-Bigger-Rena: (Listed as 'mod', batting average: 3.0-3.5): A++ (Rivals @TomFulp in popularity
@TomFulp himself: (Level 41: 31-50 music flashes, listed as popular flash author and KOTP): A++ (Rivals himself)
@ThatJohnnyGuy: (batting average 4.0+, audio submissions not counted, Weekly 1st-2nd, 250k views (from Simple Sight), 31-50 music flashes (quick guess based on most listened audio), ): A++
@IceDragon64: (batting average: 3.0-3.5, Daily 3rd (this submission), 25k views, not a mod, listed as popular author): A (ranked as a awesome NGer, way above average)
@ZabuJard: (2-3 batting average, Turd/Underdog, 25k views (4 games qualify), 1-5 music flashes (Pico vs Bear DX), listed as popular flash author (literally every day from 2020-2022), not KOTP): B
@illwillpress: (Level 2, Weekly 1st-2nd, 1 million views, 0 music flashes, listed as KOTP): A++
@koit: (Level 10, 3-3.5 batting average, Daily 1st-2nd, 1 million views (Boobs music video), 1 music flash (I can Dance posted on NG with video, but isn't officially credited, but I'll still allow it),) A-
@Stepford: (4+ batting average, Weekly 2nd, 250K views (Madness Off-Colour), 0 music flashes, not KOTP): A+ (1337 NGer)